Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Isaiah 40:28-29

Dave's Story *Names have been changed on request.

Saved from suicide.

I was born and raised on a farm. Although it may sound impossible, I grew up without any knowledge of church, GOD, or JESUS.

As far as I knew, church was where you went to get married and the only time I heard of GOD or JESUS was in swearing.

Growing up my Dad would every now and again let me have a sip of beer.
I started serious drinking at the age of thirteen as a way to "fit in" but quickly turned to a way of escape.

During my high school years I was always anticipating the next party, so I could drink.
After that, I wanted the party to continue... so I joined the military. I signed up for the Navy.

The day I left, was the first time I had ever been in an airport!
While there a man in a suit offered me a little red book, I was a little bewildered but I took it and was on my way.
Throughout my time in the navy, I would sometimes try to read it but it never made any sense to me.

My drinking took over and I spun out of control. One night, I was in a car accident and hospitalised.
The next day I was still over the legal limit. A doctor informed me that I should have been dead.
They could only estimate, but said my alcohol level the day before had to have been high enough to kill.

After a week in the hospital, I was released and sent to an Alcoholics Anonymous program. I didn't want to quit drinking though.
One thing did affect me in the meetings and that was the serenity prayer. The prayer itself did nothing for me but I did open that little red book more often.

Being in the navy means extended time spent on the ocean and away from alcohol.
That was hard, so I had to find something to replace it.

Being limited what you can do on a ship, I took up running. When I ran, the need for the alcohol disappeared until the ship entered a port then I would drink like crazy.

After my time in the navy was finished, I moved back home. I really had no direction in life but one day I received a fantastic job offer.

So I accepted the job and moved. I poured myself into the job that I absolutely loved.
I cut back on the drinking and only got drunk probably three or four times a week.

I ran more and more to stay away from the drink and even got good enough to run in races. I won many awards and even trained and ran a marathon.
Seemed like my life was coming together!

I started having problems while running and the doctor said I had a heart condition. My days of competing were over and my running stopped.
I put all my time into my job. Besides alcohol, it was the only thing I cared about.

Not long after, I went to work and was told the company was making cutbacks. Along with many others, I lost my job. I was devastated.
I moved back home, bummed around, and drank heavily.

One night while out, I met a woman. We quickly fell in love and were soon married.
She had two young girls from a previous marriage and I set my mind to being a good family man and raising those girls.

Michelle attended church and tried many many times to get me to go with her, but I wanted no part of it!
My family was my whole life and drinking filled what was left.

Every Sunday morning, I stayed in bed while she and the kids and went to church.
It seemed like we had a happy life but... something was still wrong.

It seemed Michelle was happy, but my happiness had faded away. I didn't know why and it made me angry.
I became depressed and blamed everyone else for my unhappiness.

One night things came to a head. Michelle said we could not continue the way we were.
She said the reason I was so upset was that... I was going to hell!

My world was falling apart yet again. I'd had enough and decided I would end my life.
That night, I didn't sleep much as I planned my suicide.

The next morning I went to see my parents for the last time. They had no idea and I don't even know why I went.
After that short visit, I headed home to end my life.

I was about five minutes from home when it happened... I can't explain it to this day, but it was a soft voice that touched me.
It said "what are you doing?".
That was followed by "Here I am, it's going to be ok".

I immediately asked JESUS for forgiveness and for the first time in my whole life an unimaginable peace came over me.
I was baptised a few weeks later!

Even though I didn't realise it at the time, those times of reading that little red book had saved my life.
It had pointed me to the answer even before I had the question.
I started to read that book more and it actually started to make sense to me!

That is how I was saved from suicide.

I often wonder, what if GOD had not sent that Gideon with that red book to the airport at that time? What if a wonderful woman hadn't loved me enough to tell me I was headed to hell? What if Jesus hadn't cared enough to die for me and stopped me from killing myself?

You see without that church supplying the money to buy that book, without that man stopping to give me the Bible, without a woman showing me the power of that book, and without Jesus intervening, I would be dead and in hell!

But, thanks to the grace of God, I have been recycled for Christ.
Now God uses this former drunk to preach the message of salvation and consecration.

If you feel that you are at the end of your rope and have no reason to live, you can still push the RESET BUTTON on your life.

Thanks to God's grace, through Jesus, you can start again!

* Names have been changed on request.